Latin Jazz Dance
Søndag 25. juni kl 10:30 - 12:00 på RAW

TID: Søndag 25. juni kl 10:30 - 12:00
Juicy combination of jazz and Latin music that gives the body soulful vibe and groovy movement. Expressive in style, rich in content blends stage jazz technique with street background and freedom of interpretation
Magda Prichodko
Magda danced before she could walk – She couldn’t sit in one place too long. And so her mom brought her to ballet class when she was 7. From then on she has never given up on dancing. In her youth she took classes in ballet, jazz, modern jazz, disco dance, acrobatics, hip hop and contact-improvisation. In the meantime she attended the music school where she proved not to be talented in playing instruments;) but she fell in love with singing and grew her knowledge and connection with music and rhythm.
She loves music ❤️ dance with whole her soul and body and she has dedicated her mind to master the art and make it accessible and joyful for others.